As for myself, like the character in Molière’s play Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme who suddenly discovers that he has been speaking in prose all these years without knowing it, I realized that I had been doing theoretical physics without knowing it.
These are miscellaneous theoretical derivations and calculations.
Statistical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Kinetic Theory
Heat Capacity of the Einstein Solid (a.k.a. the Dulong-Petit law)
Density of States for Quantum Particle in 3D Box with Periodic BCs
Free-Space Diffusion Equation in 1D with Delta-Function Initial Condition
Thermal de Broglie Wavelength from the Equipartition Theorem
Quantum Mechanics
Wave Function of Quantum Particle in 3D Box with Periodic BCs
Slater Determinant –– Single-Particle Wavefunctions are Linearly Independent
Slater Determinant –– Expectation Value of Arbitrary Single-Particle Potential
Slater Determinant –– Expectation Value of Arbitrary Pairwise Potential
First-Order Nondegenerate Perturbation Theory –– Energy Correction
Wave Function Overlaps are Preserved by Schrödinger Evolution
Action of Raising and Lowering Operators on Harmonic Oscillator Eigenstates
Quantum Field Theory
Electricity and Magnetism
Math & Statistics
Finite Geometric Series Formula Starting from Negative Index
Change of Basis Formula for Tangent Vectors in Differential Geometry
Algorithms and Code
Compute all pairwise distances in 2D with periodic boundary conditions (C)
Hard disk forward-Euler simulation with periodic boundary conditions (C)
Problems I Particularly Like
(Very rough at present.)
Solving the Poisson equation for a point particle
Solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for a delta-function initial state
Electrostatic energy of a point charge